Patientinformation (engelska)

Registration of personal data in the Swedish Renal Registry (Svenskt Njurregister)


The Swedish Renal Registry shall:


The purpose of the Swedish Renal Registry is to contribute to an equal health and sickness care of high quality nation-wide, and to ensure that treatment guidelines are adhered to.

Your contribution

By being included in the Swedish Renal Registry you contribute to the improvement of health care throughout Sweden. Your participation in the quality register is voluntary and does not affect the care you receive. Your data is used by the care provider for comparison to other care-providers in Sweden. This information makes it possible to decide what work procedures, methods of treatment and medicines lead to the best results. The information is subsequently used by care-providers to improve their work.Data recorded by the register is the Civic Registration Number (date of birth), health-care contacts at the nephrology clinic, diagnoses, treatments etc. Sometimes information which you yourself provide on questionnaire forms is also recorded.

Responsibility for all National Quality Registers

Your care-provider is responsible for entering your data in National Quality Registers and for ensuring that it is transferred to the registers in a secure manner. They are also responsible for your data when used for internal quality improvement. Region Jönköpings län is legally responsible for the Swedish Renal Registry and all personal data registered.

Use of data

Information is recorded in the quality register in order to provide statistical information and to enable the quality of the care provided to be continually improved. Data may also be used for research purposes but only with the approval of the Ethical Review Authority. In order to compile and find information, your civic registration number and various search functions are used. Sometimes data from the quality register is coordinated with data from other registers which contain information related to health care and the population. When statistical information from the registers is published it is impossible to identify information relating to any particular individual.

Information access

Your care provider registers information about you and has electronic access to this information. In addition, a limited number of persons working with the quality registers in the regions have access to data related to individual patients. Information in the register may only be shared with persons outside the health care service if neither the patients nor their relatives will suffer in any way as a result. In practice, only researchers can extract personal data about individual patients from the quality register for research purposes.

Your rights

If you as a patient do not wish us to register information about you, you have the right to choose not to participate. If so, please inform your health care provider.


If you want more information about the Swedish Renal Registry or data registered about you, or to get your registered data removed, please contact your nephrology clinic or the registry:

Svenskt Njurregister
Medicinexp plan 5
Länssjukhuset Ryhov
551 85 Jönköping
Phone: 010-242 19 66

If you want to get in contact with a data protection officer, please ask your nephrology clinic about contacts with your local officer. Secondly, you may contact the data protection officer of Region Jönköpings Län:

Region Jönköpings Län
Box 1024
551 11 Jönköping
Tel: 010-241 00 00

You can read more about all National Quality Registers at and more about the Swedish Renal Registry at