Francois Nosten awarded l’Ordre National de la Legion d’honneur
Very many congratulations to Francois Nosten, our PI in Thailand, who has been awarded France's highest honour, l’Ordre National de la Legion d’honneur, in recognition of 33 years' work fighting malaria.
INTERBIO-21st Follow up study
The INTERBIO-21st follow up study has started. Our INTERBIO-21st children will be invited back at their 1st and 2nd birthdays where we will measure them, look at their diet and general health, and on their 2nd birthday, we will perform a neurodevelopmental assessment to assess their hearing, vision, development and sleep. The follow up has begun in Thailand and Oxford and is due to start shortly in the remaining centres.
Site Visit
Leila and Rachel recently visited our teams in Nairobi and Kilifi.
Central training was held for Pakistani and Kenyan teams in the summer.
Leila and Rachel had successful visits to both sites in Kenya
Here they are with the team in Nairobi
Successful site visits were made to both centres in Kenya


A successful site visit was made to the centre in South Africa

A successful site visit was made to the centre in Thailand

Women recruited for FS >470. Women recruited for NS >350
Over 470 women have enrolled in FS. Over 350 women have been recruited for NS.
A successful site visit was made to the centre in Nairobi
A successful site visit was made to the centre in Nairobi

Laboratory training
A successful site visit to Kilifi, Kenya was made in January 2013
A site visit was made to Kilifi, Kenya in January 2013. 
Laboratory team training - refresher course

Ultrasound training
SA ultrasonographers took part in training and standardisation sessions in Oxford
Ultrasonographers from South Africa took part in training and standardisation sessions conducted in Oxford in November 2012.
23-24 October 2012: INTERBIO-21st Steering Committee Meeting
The INTERBIO-21st Steering Committee met for the second time 23-24 October 2012 at Green Templeton College, Oxford, to discuss the progress of the study.

Successful visit made to Brazil study site
A successful visit has been made to the study site in Pelotas in August 2012.
First Neonatal Study baby in Mae Sot
The first INTERBIO-21st baby has been born and recruited into the Neonatal Study in Mae Sot (Thailand). The Neonatal Study is now up and running in 3 study sites globally.
Successful visit made to South Africa study site
A successful visit has been made in July 2012 to the study site in Soweto.
Successful visits made to both Kenyan study sites
Successful visits have been made to the study sites in Kilifi and Nairobi in June 2012
19 June 2012: Scientific Advisory Committee Meeting
The Scientific Advisory Committee met in Oxford (UK) to discuss the progress of the study.
First Neonatal Study baby in Oxford
The first INTERBIO-21st baby has been born and recruited into the Neonatal Study in Oxford (UK). The Neonatal Study is now up and running in 2 study sites globally.
First Neonatal Study baby in Kilifi
The first INTERBIO-21st baby has been born and recruited into the Neonatal Study in Kilifi (Kenya).
8-10 May 2012: Anthropometry training and standardisation session in Jordan
Anthropometry training and standardisation was conducted in Amman, Jordan, by the Study Coordinating Unit in collaboration with UNICEF. The aim was to standardise all anthropometric measurements of adults, newborns and infants so that data collected will be comparable across observers and sites throughout the study. The event was attended by Lead Anthropometrists from each site, who will then use the same protocol to train local anthropometry teams in each study site..jpg)
INTERBIO-21st Ultrasound Group Leader joins ISUOG board
The Ultrasound Group Leader for INTERBIO-21st, Dr Aris Papageorghiou, has became a board member of the International Society of Ultrasound and Gynaecology (ISUOG).
Oxford Maternal & Perinatal Health Institute (OMPHI) International Postdoctoral Fellows 2012-13
Two Oxford Maternal & Perinatal Health Institute (OMPHI) International Postdoctoral Fellows have joined the project: Michelle Fernandes MD DPhil is researching the developmental evaluation of infants up to 2 years of age, and Elena Spada PhD is researching statistical issues relating to the evaluation of the nutritional status of newborns.
Michelle Fernandes MD DPhil
Oxford Maternal & Perinatal Health Institute (OMPHI) International Research Associates 2012-13
Two OMPHI International Research Fellows have joined the project. Francesca Giuliani MD is a Senior International Research Associate responsible for the evaluation of the long-term growth, health and nutrition of preterm newborns and newborns with impaired fetal growth. Illaria Rovelli MD is researching the classification of impaired fetal growth at birth and Alessia Varalda MD is supporting the 1 and 2-year follow-up and INTERBIO-21st Neonatal Study recruitment in Oxford.

Francesca Giuliani MD Ilaria Rovelli MD Alessia Varalda
Dr Michelle Fernandes wins grand prize at finale of TATA Idea Idol 2012
Michelle Fernandes won the grand prize at the finale of TATA Idea Idol 2012 for ‘FoetoH’ - a new portable technology for home based fetal monitoring. Congratulations to Michelle.
Professor Jose Villar presented with prestigious Carlos Slim Award for Life Achievement in Research
The Carlos Slim Award was presented to Jose Villar in Mexico City on Wednesday 18 April 2012. The award is given to those who have dedicated their professional lives to health research. Many congratulations!

Further information:
Video (YouTube)
Carlos Slim Institute of Health (Facebook)
INTERBIO-21st launches in the UK, Thailand and Kenya
The first women have been recruited into the INTERBIO-21st Fetal Study at two study sites - Mae Sot (Thailand) and Oxford (UK). In Kilifi (Kenya) the first women have given their consent to participate in the Neonatal Study later this year.
Successful visit made to Thailand study site
A successful visit has been made in March 2011 to the study site in Mae Sot, Thailand. Training in data management and biological sample collection have been conducted on-site.
1-3 February 2012: Data management training meeting, Oxford UK
Training in data management was conducted in Oxford, UK, by the Data Management Group, to ensure standardisation of all data collection. The event was attended by Data Managers from study sites in Oxford (UK), Karachi (Pakistan), Kilifi (Kenya), Nairobi (Kenya) and Soweto (South Africa).Successful visits made to both Kenyan study sites
Successful visits have been made in December 2011 to the study sites in Kilifi and Nairobi.
29 Nov-1 Dec 2011: INTERBIO-21st Steering Committee Meeting
The INTERBIO-21st Steering Committee met for the first time between 29 November and 1 December 2011 at Green Templeton College, Oxford, to discuss preparations for the study.
9-11 November 2011: Biological sample processing training meeting, Oxford, UK
Biological sample processing training was conducted in Oxford, UK, by our collaborators GAPPS (The Global Alliance to Prevent Prematurity and Stillbirth). The event was attended by representatives from study sites in Oxford (UK), Karachi (Pakistan), Keneba (The Gambia), Kilifi (Kenya) and Nairobi (Kenya).
A successful site visit was made to the centre in Thailand